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  • Writer's pictureChloe Elizabeth Price

每日新闻播报(January 18,2019)

Updated: Jan 22, 2019

>Brexit boxes hit market '脱欧应急罐'在英国走俏 As worries over a no-deal Brexit mount, businesses, including major supermarkets such as Tesco, and Marks and Spencer, see there is an increasing need for stockpiling. In response to concerns about possible shortages or delays of food and medicines with a sudden erection of customs checks at borders after March 29, one business, Emergency Food Storage, stood out with marked sales of its "Brexit Box" - an emergency kit containing 60 servings of main meals, 48 portions of meat, a water filter, a fire starter and energy gels, according to the product description. Launched in December, the box, having been sold around 25 packs at a price of 295 pounds each, is a better option than lower-priced supermarket tins, the company's managing director James Black said. "We genuinely hope it (no-deal scenario) does not happen but we want the Brexit Box to be an insurance issue," he added. British businesses urged the government to take immediate action to introduce a "Plan B" after Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal was rejected overwhelmingly in Parliament on Tuesday night. 随着人们对无协议脱欧担忧的加剧,包括乐购、玛莎百货等大型超市在内的企业觉察到人们日益上涨的囤货需求。由于民众担忧3月29日以后突然设立的边境通关检查可能引发食品和药品的短缺或通关延期,英国一家名为"应急食品储备"的企业推出的"脱欧应急罐"销量火爆。根据产品描述,罐内含有60份主食,48份肉食,一个滤水器,一个打火器和多个能量胶。该公司总经理詹姆斯•布莱克称,脱欧应急罐自去年12月推出以来,已售出了大约25罐,每罐295英镑,相较超市廉价罐头来说是个更好的选择。他还说:"我们真心希望不会发生无协议脱欧的情况,但想让脱欧应急罐成为一种保险措施。"自15日晚首相特雷莎•梅的脱欧协议在议会遭到压倒性否决后,英国企业纷纷敦促政府立刻采取措施,出台"B计划"。

>Senior catwalk models 银发模特成为商家新宠 Wearing a bright floral ensemble with her short hair dyed blonde, Chinese model Ma Yinhong struts a Shanghai catwalk with a style and swagger that belie her 56 years. Ma is one of a growing number of older models sought after by Chinese and international labels trying to court the country's growing faction of "silver spenders". Once confined largely to life insurance and healthcare ads, today glamourous Chinese seniors are in demand for high fashion. By 2050, one in three people in China, or 487 million people, will be over the age of 60 - more than the population of the US. This greying population, combined with rising incomes and living standards, means an explosion in consumption by China's elderly is forecast in coming decades. Portraying older models in active, youthful lifestyles sells well. 一头短发染成金黄色,一身花衣服色彩鲜艳,中国模特马映红在上海的一个T型台上昂首阔步,时髦而优雅,令人很难相信她已经56岁。中国和国际品牌正竭力拉拢该国日益庞大的"银发消费者"一族,为此商家启用越来越多年纪较大的模特,而马映红就是该群体中的一员。以前,中国老年人大都只出现在人寿保险和医疗广告中。如今,优雅的她们成为高端时尚的宠儿。到2050年中国将有1/3人口(4.87亿人)年龄超过60岁,比美国总人口还多。人口老龄化,加上收入和生活水平提高,预计今后几十年中国老年人消费会激增。塑造老年模特朝气蓬勃的生活方式是个好卖点。

>Father of China's H-bomb dies 中国'氢弹之父'于敏去世 Yu Min, a nuclear physicist widely known as the father of China's hydrogen bomb, died on Wednesday at the age of 93. Yu, together with 99 other Chinese people from different walks of life, won the honorary title of "reform pioneer" at a gathering held in Beijing on Dec 18 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up. In January 2015 Yu also won China's top science and technology accolade. Yu, a native of Tianjin, earned his bachelor's degree in physics from Peking University in 1949 and then conducted postgraduate research at the school's physics department. He also served as a teaching assistant. He entered the Modern Physics Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and began to study atomic nuclear physics theory in 1951. To address the country's strategic needs, Yu began to conduct theoretical research on nuclear weapons in 1961. For the next 28 years, Yu and his work remained top national secrets. 16日,以"中国氢弹之父"而广为人知的核物理学家于敏去世,享年93岁。去年12月18日在北京召开的庆祝改革开放40周年大会上,于敏和另外99位来自各行各业的同志被授予"改革先锋"的称号。2015年1月,于敏获得中国最高科学技术奖。于敏生于天津,1949年在北京大学获得物理学学士学位,之后在该校物理系进行研究生科研工作,还曾担任过助教。1951年,他进入中国科学院现代物理研究所,开始研究原子核物理理论。为满足国家战略需求,1961年,于敏开始从事核武器理论研究工作。此后28年,于敏和他从事的事业都属于国家最高机密。

>Signals from deep space 人类捕获神秘宇宙电波 Astronomers have revealed details of mysterious signals emanating from a distant galaxy, picked up by a telescope in Canada. The precise nature and origin of the blasts of radio waves is unknown. Among the 13 fast radio bursts, known as FRBs, was a very unusual repeating signal, coming from the same source about 1.5 billion light years away. Such an event has only been reported once before, by a different telescope. "Knowing that there is another suggests that there could be more out there," said Ingrid Stairs, an astrophysicist from the University of British Columbia. "And with more repeaters and more sources available for study, we may be able to understand these cosmic puzzles - where they're from and what causes them." There are a number of theories about what could be causing them. They include a neutron star with a very strong magnetic field that is spinning very rapidly, two neutron stars merging together, and, among a minority of observers, some form of alien spaceship. 加拿大的一架望远镜捕获到来自遥远星系的神秘信号,近日天文学家揭秘了这些信号的细节。目前这些射电暴的性质和来源尚不得而知。在13个快速射电暴中,有一个来自约15亿光年外的重复电波很不同寻常。此前研究者曾用不同的望远镜捕捉到一次同样的电波。不列颠哥伦比亚大学的天体物理学家英格丽•斯泰尔斯表示:"第二次捕捉到重复电波,意味着我们还可能捕捉到更多。有了更多重复电波和更多可供研究的资源,我们也许能够解开这些宇宙谜题,即这些电波从何而来,又是什么原因造成的。"目前存在多种理论解释这些宇宙电波的成因。包括这些电波可能来自一颗具有极强磁场的快速旋转的中子星,可能是两颗中子星合并在了一起等。此外也有少数观察者认为,电波来自某种外星宇宙飞船。


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